Real Change News
Election 2017: City Council Position 8
“I have organized my whole life to make sure that people are actually having their voices heard in the halls where policy changes are being made. But I’ve also been on the streets from WTO in ’99 to — as I mentioned throughout the years — can you even count how many rallies we’ve been to this year? I can’t. But I know the importance of both being in the street and being in the halls where policy decisions are being made. I am an organizer at my core. I’m also proud to say that I will work with anyone that I’ve met with. I will meet with anybody, but the question is, how do we hold people accountable? How do we make sure that policy is based on our terms? And how do we make sure that policy is rooted in community needs? And you do that by organizing.” … Read More
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Teresa Mosqueda Follow 7,278 8,620
Health, housing, union & workers’ rights advocate. Policy wonk. Coalition builder. Newly elected King County D8 Councilmember. Official KC posts at @CMTMosqueda
Fun Fact: Youth crime actually is about on par with pre pandemic numbers, at least according to case referral numbers to King County prosecutors. @finchfrii asked me about this last week after the @KCCouncil vote.,explained%20in%20the%20dashboard%20itself.
For those who have asked what small businesses DONT want to permanently enshrine CM Hollingsworth's subminimum wage, they signed this op-ed.
So excited to see the community across WA State supporting @BobFergusonAG so he can TURN OUT THE VOTE and win his race to be the next Governor of the Great State of WA! ❤️💪🏾